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AI Assignment Writer
Powered by Nomikos 2.6 Granite

Our AI writing platform allows users to create high quality assignments without the need for complex prompt engineering. Simply enter the details of your assignment question or title and we'll generate a fully referenced, academic standard assignment, in less than 2 minutes!

Assignment Title / Question

  • Delivered in Minutes
  • No Prompting Required
  • Written by Robots

Save Time and Resources With a Custom AI Assignment

Our AI writing platform allows you to create a custom assignment in just a few clicks. Choose your preferred referencing style, word count, language and more to create a unique assignment in less than 2 minutes!

Each assignment is produced by a specifically trained AI (Nomikos 2.6 Granite) in your chosen subject area

All assignments are checked for spelling, grammar, academic grade, and consistency

Assignments can be written in several different languages and for any education system or legal jurisdiction

Create an Assignment Examples of Assignments
Image of an android writer


Academic Subject Areas


Languages Supported


Referencing Styles Supported

Next-level Assignment Quality

LawTeacher's AI assignment writer takes away the need for complex prompt engineering, and allows you to create a custom law assignment in just a few clicks. If you have already tried ChatGPT or Claude you will no doubt have discovered that the work required to create a university level assignment can be just as demanding as simply writing the work from scratch.

With our selection of next-generation writing tools you can quickly and easily create a custom law assignment, completely hassle free.

AI Writing Tools

The selection of AI writing tools below have all been created with law students and legal professionals in mind. Each tool is trained with to the highest possible standards in order to create academic standard work.

Law Essays:
Plan Writer
Under 1 Minute
Law Essays:
Topics & Titles
Save Time Researching
Law Papers:
Reference Generator
Any Referencing Style
LawTeacher Logo

What Makes Nomikos Better Than Other AI Writers?

LawTeacher's Nomikos AI platform was trained by fully qualified academics in a wide range of legal subject areas to be able to create the best quality academic assignments currently possible. Whilst first-class work is still very much out of reach for most AI writing platforms, we have managed to consistently produce 2:1 quality work with the trained models at LawTeacher. Combined with the simplicty of our "Promptless" writing generator and you can create a well-written academic assignment in less than 2 minutes with as little as an assignment title or question.

Looking for a human written essay?

Choose A Service

Human written essays are guaranteed to be 100% free from AI content.

Industry Leading Guarantees

Should you choose our human essay writing services we offer a number of additional guarantees over and above those offered with our AI service:

Free from Plagiarism

Every piece of work written by UniWriter is extensively checked for plagiarism to ensure that your completed essay is completely unique!

Free from AI Content

Unlike cheaper competitors passing off AI written content, we scan every piece of work to ensure it is written by a human!

Delivered on Time

We are so confident of our ability to meet deadlines and the timeliness of our writers, if your work is delivered late, it's free!


At Business Bliss we take confidentiality seriously and employ automated redaction technology to keep your personal information safe!

Consistent Quality

Providing quality work is core to our beliefs, which is why we have stringent quality controls in place to ensure your success!

Guaranteed Final Grade

We are so confident in our human writing services that we guarantee your final grade, providing you follow the guidelines in our Fair use Policy.

Begin Your Journey to Academic Success

Whether you choose AI or Human written content, our ordering process is simple and fast!


Define Your Requirements

Supply the basic information required for your essay to be started


Check the Completed Work

Read through the supplied essay and check you are happy with the output


Copy to your favourite word processor

Copy and paste the essay into Microsoft Word or Google Docs and continue to work on it.

*Important Note, is currently free to use. However, we reserve the right to publish any essays generated 3 months after they are created.

What Our Customers Say About UniWriter

"...I was able to dramatically improve my essay."

I received outstanding feedback from which I was able to dramatically improve my essay. Great tips to follow, great advice on reading material to help complete the assignment. I could not be happier. Worth every penny. Thank you so much.

"I will surely recommend them."

Good and excellent write up. Writer so experienced. I made a mistake i previous review. I will surely recommend them. The flow of their essay writing is superb. Well done.

"I'm delighted with your service..."

I'm delighted with your service and had introduced 2 other people who had already place their other with your essays writing services. Although I never knew I could refer them through my account until after we had placed their orders. Keep up the good work, God bless.

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