The concept of company strategy battles with the continuing issue of shaping the overall purpose and scope of an organization. From a current point of view, it involves in the dimension of long-term goals and objectives that will add value to the business and cope with the vagueness of modern times. As a practice, it consists of adopting courses of action and allocating resources in essential ways for carrying out the overall objectives.
Companies approach towards hiring their personals is depends upon company overall strategy and it also reflect their attitude towards competition. In United Kingdom hospitality industry employs 1.7 million people, about 6% of the total working population. According to Visit Britain, 27.7 million overseas visitors came to the UK in 2004, a 13% increase on the previous year. With the recent boom in travel and tourism industry, hospitality Industry is also experiencing unprecedented growth and prosperity. Recruitment Criteria Hospitality Industry, well-paid job options are drawing many individuals towards this industry. In this current scenario it becomes very evident that hospitality industries will rapidly rise to higher levels as various Asian and western countries are working towards strengthening their travel and tourism industries.
Number of Employees in Different Famous Hospitality and tourism Groups
The hospitality industry provides some of the most exciting opportunities for employment today. The industry relies on
Well trained employees
Strong customer focus
Strong interpersonal skills
Good communication skills and cultural awareness
Ability to work as part of a team
Good product and local knowledge
Selling skills
Technical skills
The right attitude
As a new personnel assistant, my immediate line manager jayne stines give me some tasks, which are followings,
An analysis of the recruitment process in tourism and hospitality
Legal and ethical obligations in recruitment and selection
The importance of job description
The role of person specification
The structure and content of CVs
1. An Analysis Of The Recruitment Process In Tourism And Hospitality
Recruitment planning chart
As an assistant manager I analyse different hospitality and tourism recruitment process that are vary from one place to other place or one department to another department. As per my knowledge and research, why is different from one place to an other (one company to another) there are some reason which are given below,
Recruitment Policies, The need for efficient manpower in these hospitality industries has been sub divided into various categories which include;
Customer relations,
Financial management,
Back office
IT and recreations.
Fast growth in tourism and travel industry has lead to the emergence of hospitality industry. And with the corroboration of these industries such as travel and tourism (Which basically include hotels, restaurant and airlines) a huge demand increase for
Educated peoples
Professional peoples
Effective manpower for Management
Speaking a number of languages fluently is as much essential as the international understanding of business and worldwide trends in the travel and hospitality industry.
Today’s Hotel Manager needs to understand all that; he is a business manager and public relations star, a marketing genius and has brilliant financial and business acumen.
Recently most of the Companies in hospitality and tourism are using competency outline frame work to outline the type of person that they are seeking, the focus of competency is depends on the following,
The behaviour of job applicants
The use of competencies tends to focus on areas such as
Team orientation
People management
Customer focus
Result orientation
Problem solving
Employer In hospitality and tourism increasingly desire employees with,
The right attitude (social and interpersonal skills)
The right attitude encompasses aspect such as social and interpersonal skills, which are big concern ensuring that employees are,
Understanding with customers
2. Legal and ethical obligations in recruitment and selection
It is essential to recruit the staffs in the way that does not breach the legal rules, which supervise the recruitment process. The penalty of not comply with legal legislations can be damage,
Adverse publicity for the Service
Case to an Employment Tribunal for unfair discrimination.
There is wide range of legislations, which cover the recruitment process. Basically this legislation is dividing in to three main groups.
Employment law
Anti-discrimination legislation
Data protection legislation
Employment law
The law of contract, especially to the employment relationship
The law on the minimum wage
Working Time Regulations 1998
The Human Rights Act
Occupational qualifications (European Law, including provisions relating to mobility of workers)
Anti-discrimination legislation
Employment legislation, including the Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Employment Act 2002
Equal Employment Opportunity
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002
Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003-09-05
Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
Sex Discrimination (Indirect Discrimination and Burden of Proof) Regulations 2001
And many mores legislation which also covers the recruitment process
Anti-discrimination Legislation
The Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of,
Gender obligations in employment
Vocational training
The Equal Pay Act 1970 makes it unlawful to discriminate between women and men in their contracts of employment, including
Other contractual bonuses.
The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 make it unlawful for employers to discriminate against employees
Trainees or job seekers
Workers age (in terms of training and promotion)
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2002 Amendment makes it unlawful for an employer,
To treat a disabled person less favourably, because of their disability
The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of the followings,
Housing (the way of living)
Purveying of goods
Facilities and services
The Employment Relations Act 1999 gives working parents the right to employee,
Unpaid leave and off time in case of emergencies
The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of the followings,
Religion, religious belief
Different philosophical belief.
Data protection legislation
The Data Protection Act 1998 puts responsibilities on an employer to process personal data in a fair and proper way. The Act gives individuals certain rights in respect of the processing of their personal data and those carrying out selection processes must comply with the Act.
The chart given below shows in which countries this legislation is active.
3. Importance of job description
In a modern recruitment process , job description is very important and is a chart of the
General tasks
Responsibilities of a position.
Typically, it also includes to whom the position reports, specifications such as the,
Experience required by the person in the job
Description of the ideal candidate
Salary range for the position.
In other word the job description produce by the job analysis include
The tasks
The sequences of tasks needs to perform the job
Areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job
A good job description,
Serves as a reference guide for determining perfect person on best level, and the best time at best price.
Helps maximizes spent on employee compensation for the position by ensuring experience, and skills needed for the job, are detailed and matched to prospective applicants.
Functions as a reference material for developing interview questions for specific position.
Fully Details information about the position that can be assimilates into “help wanted” ads.
Dissuade employees from refusing to do something because “it is not my job.”
Provides a basis for employee reviews, increase in salary, growth paths for the achievements of organization set goals
Serves as legal documentation that can be useful in the event an employee files a termination or discrimination lawsuit against the company.
A job description should include the following:
Job Title
Clarifies the position, job title, and rank or level
Salary Range
Sales Incentive
Performance awards
Annual pay bonus, etc.
Statement of Purpose and Objectives
A general statement, brief in three or four sentences,
Purpose or objective of the position.
Job Description
A fully detailed list of exact duties and tasks in their order of importance, this list should cover every activity that will take 5% or more of the employee’s time and include any liability the employee may have for meeting certain objectives.
Experience and Skills
Be as precise as possible when specify the experience and skills required to perform the job. For example, if the position requires the use of a computer, list the type of software or hardware used to perform the job.
Description of Ideal Candidate
Fully Detail other strengths needed to perform the job such as,
Well-developed communication skills
Ability of working with minimal supervision
Result oriented, cooperative, capable of working in tight deadlines
4. The role of person specifications
What Is A Person Specification in Hospitality and Tourism?
A person design describes the requirements a jobholder needs to be able to perform the job adequately. These are likely to include:
Education and qualifications
Training and experience
Personal attributes / qualities/ skills
Strong customer focus
Strong interpersonal skills
Good communication skills and cultural awareness
Comparison Between Person Specification And Job Description
A job description describes the job
A person specification describes the person needed to do the job.
The most common approach now used by recruiters is to use what are known as “competencies” to design the person specification. These are then classified as
To analyze which are most important.
Competencies might include some or all of the following:
Physical attributes
Highest level of education completed
Relevant market experience
Ability to supervise/manage
Customer service skills
Verbal reasoning
Numerical aptitude
Communication skills power
The right attitude
Interests or activities
Social activities
Sporting activities
Personal circumstances
Ability to work in different shifts
Full or part time
Ability to work as part of a team
Good product and local knowledge
Selling skills
Technical skills
Person specifications have to be prepared and used with great care. In particular, it is important to ensure that the list of essential or desired competencies does not lead to unlawful discrimination against potential employees.
In hotel industry or others HR plays a significant role and they work according to the requirement of the company and the role of the particular job.
5. The structure and contents of CVs
CV is the only thing that the employer has in hand that will give him/her an impression about you. Hence, everything in a CV – the paper, the presentation, the language, and the overall looks – describes you.
Contact information
Brief biography
Basic Education
Undergraduate education
Graduate education
Scholarships information
Internship / Training
Research experience / Specific Research knowledge
Work placement
Employment history
Awards & honors
Technical & computer skills
Language skills
Professional licenses and certifications
The information that can be include in Candidate curriculum vitae. The elements that include will depend on what we are applying for, so be sure to include the most relevant information to support in CV.
The paper for the CV should be a decent quality; Too shabby or too gaudy papers will have the same result – impression of bad taste
Letter Cover should match the CV paper and letters typeset
Use typeset bigger than 11 pts because it makes easy into reading. Use Arial or Times New Roman as the font.
The standard margins for the CV should be 1inch in on all sides; in case you need to, may reduce the side margins to maximum 0.5 ensure that the typed matter is in the centre of the page
Check for typographical errors manually, as many times automatic spell checks create major howlers
What the CV should include depends very much upon what the job entails.
The Structure Of CV
Personal details such as
Phone numbers
Email address
Marital status
And so on…
Future plans
Qualification (professional and academic)
Any skills
Any exceptional qualities
Work experience (in reverse order, with the last job you had, mentioned first)
Any Additional responsibilities (outside your designation / job description)
Job specific skills which you possess
Interests (Should be brief here, unless it is something that will enhance the skills required by the job in that organization)
Any Two References (most of the times a guarantee you offer that what you say stands true)
Any supporting comments regards the job which you are applying
Overall CV should be should be brief, maximum 2 pages
Well presented
And concise
In this recession, most of the companies cutting down there paper work. This saves money. Now a day’s most of the hospitality and tourism companies are recruiting staff online, which is easy and safe way to keep the record of the all applications. (E.g.) Hilton hotel, Intercontinental hotels group are taking most application online which save time for the appellant and for organization.
As per my Research & studies, Hospitality and tourism is fast growing industry through out whole world. In this current recession time, hospitality and tourism is an only industry, which is still growing fast. In United Kingdom, as European Union is getting more strong tourism is increasing in United Kingdom. Most of the United Kingdom hotel occupancy is more than 85%- 90% through out whole year. I think hospitality and tourism is the industry, which is full with the different cultural peoples, where employee can use his/her own personal skills in better way and can learn new things.
In my research, I find this is a huge industry offering variety, diversity and tons of different jobs and career opportunities to suit everyone. One in every 10 people in the UK, that’s over 2.5 million people working in more than 30,000 establishments. Also, 1 in every 5 new jobs fall into this sector with another 400,000 new jobs created by 2006 according to The British Hospitality Association.
Due to the huge growth in Hospitality and tourism, in the last 10 years, international tourism has accounted for 1 in 6 of all jobs, 125,000 tourism businesses exist in the UK and 1.75 million people are employed in these businesses.
In hospitality, leisure, travel or tourism industry only Qualifications alone are no guarantee of a job, it depends a lot on your personality, attitude, communication skills and – common sense approach to work and life in general.
One thing, which I realize, that in hospitality and tourism you can taste and learn almost all types of jobs that’s why it attracts peoples towards it self.
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